Thank you for your year long service and participation.
All are welcome to attend!
The room will be open at 11:25am and will begin and end on time.
One hour is allotted for the Business Meeting. The Town Hall will begin immediately after. There may be times when the Business Meeting will end early. Please come early. Thank you.
For the Business Portion of the Meeting:
Participation (speaking) in the Business Meeting is reserved for the GSB Trustees, GSB Committee Chair, Vice Chair, Interim Chair.
Town Hall Portion of the meeting:
All members will have an opportunity to ask a question or share in the Town Hall.
Thank you for your service. We look forward to meeting with you.
The UA GSB is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting, on the Fourth Sunday of the month.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 0709 6834
Passcode: 860433
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Meeting ID: 831 0709 6834
Passcode: 860433
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