Meeting Registration Form

Instructions for filling out the UA New Meeting Registration/Update Form


  1. Supply the UA GSB with a completed “Meeting Registration Form”. Your group must be in existence for at least 90 days to be listed.
  2. The only requirement for membership in your group is a desire to stop underearning.
  3.  As a group, you are fully self-supporting.
  4. Your group’s primary purpose is to help underearners recover through the Twelve Steps. From page 22 of the pamphlet The AA. Group: ‘The primary purpose of any AA. group is to carry the AA. message to alcoholics. Our AA. group conscience, as voiced by the General Service Conference, has recommended that “family” meetings, “double trouble” and “alcohol and pill” meetings not be listed in our A.A. directories.’
  5. As a group, you have no outside affiliation.
  6. As a group, you have no opinion on outside issues.
  7. As a group, your public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion, and you maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, television, and film.
  8. Secretaries or officers must register or update their group’s information within 30 days of the changes. 
  9. Your meeting agrees to relist annually, each time a new Group Service Representative is elected, and anytime your meeting location, virtual venue, or time changes. This ensures we have accurate information for our online directories. 

NOTE: As stipulated by the UA GSB groups that do not meet these guidelines will not be listed and currently listed meetings found not in adherence will be removed.


Please fill in all the fields. As you complete the form if a field does not apply to your meeting, enter n/a.


  • The meeting information will be reviewed by the GSB Calendar Keeper to ensure the topic and format aligns with the Steps and Traditions of our UA fellowship.
  • Email contact is required for communication and group contact purposes, and to send confirmation that the request has been completed.
  • After the approval process the meeting information will be added or updated to the website accordingly.
  • The dial-in number and group email will be included in the meeting information on the website calendar.
  • Personal emails and phone numbers will not be publicly posted. 

Thank you!

Meeting Registration

    Meeting Information


    Call-in information




    Meeting Location

    Group Contact Information

    Details about the meeting

